JA Wall Insight #9: JA Extensions Configuration and Upgrade

I. JA Extensions Configuration

1. JA Social Feed Plugin

This plugin is to get content from Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. Content will be stored as joomla articles or k2 articles.The configuration detail of this plugin is in the JA Wall Insight #2: Social Feed integrates content automatically from Facebook - Twitter - Youtube

2. JA Pager Plugin

This plugin is to enable base-grid in the settings of menu that allow user to select specific base grid for each menu.


3. JA Lazy Load Plugin

The JA Wall template uses many images then the size can be large, when open site, loading items can take long time. JA Lazy load is a solution. Site will load items as usual but for images, when waiting for loading image, the plugin allows display blank images.


II. Upgrade JA Wall template and JA Extensions

JA Wall has JAEM (JA Extensions manager) installed and enabled. This component allows you to upgrade JA Wall template and JA Extensions once the template and extensions has new version

The following video tutorial will guide you how to use JAEM to upgrade JA template and JAEC

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